Saturday, December 13, 2014

Post 24 - Blogging

Blogging is something that I've grown to love since my first composition with Professor Hamon.  It's really great to have an outlet to put down some of my thoughts and to document things that are happening in my life.  I didn't realize how many blogs I've seen and read throughout my life.  I assumed that a website was a website was a website!  I'm now more aware of what I'm looking at when I'm surfing the web and I will continue blogging even when this class is over.  I hope my fellow students do the same.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Post 23 - Using Personal Learning Networks in the Class

I expand my personal learning network with every semester of classes.  You never know when you may need someone to turn to for a forgotten assignment or clarification on an assignment.  I also try to make an attempt to ask questions or have a small conversation with my professors during class or in that time we have on break and before and after class.  This semester I began to see that there is no point in trying to have an argument with another is pointless if I don't stop and think about where the other participant(s) are coming from or why they think or have the opinion that they do.  A conversation with a professor helped me to really think about this and to ponder the many circular arguments that I've had with others.  I began to not even bother with expressing my opinion in many circumstances.  Trying to understand why the other party holds their beliefs helps me to be far more tolerable of others who don't share the same opinion as I do.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post 22 - Using a Wiki in the Class

I appreciated the class wiki in my Composition I class.  It's a great resource to turn to when I need to figure out where I am in the class and what assignments I need to do.  The addition of the calendar for Composition II was a great way to see a visual, easy to read layout of our assignments. 

Class Wiki - A+

Friday, December 5, 2014

Post 21 - Is American Justice Really Blind?

I can't believe the news recently.  Why are cops allowed to kill people unnecessarily without them suffering any consequences?  It's unfathomable.  I believe that Michael Brown and Eric Garner's families at least deserve for the police officer's to stand trial.  It should be up to a regular jury to decide the guilt or lack of guilt of an accused.  This process of a local prosecutor who doesn't seem to seek an indictment giving all of the evidence to a grand jury doesn't seem to be offering even the semblance of justice to the families of these victims.  The Eric Garner case seems to be especially hard to comprehend.  There is a video that shows the entire incident from beginning to end.  The police officers on the scene showed so much indifference to Eric Garner and that is not the role that the police are supposed to play.  Their job description is "to protect and serve".  That is not what they did for Eric Garner and there should be consequences for that.  I think Lady Justice was peeking out of her blindfold in this case for sure.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Post 20 - Getting Married

I recently decided to set a date to marry my fiancee.  I will finally make an honest man of him.  With one really bad first marriage under my belt, this was a really big, personal decision to make.  He's been asking me to marry him for years, but I kept saying that I wasn't ready to change our relationship in that way.  I don't need marriage to affirm our relationship and feelings for each other, but he seems to need this.  He bought me a ring and proposed last October and I didn't have the heart to say no but I procrastinated on setting a date.  Now that I've agreed to follow through on this and actually say I do, I'm getting kind of excited now.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Post 19 - Dropping the Ball

With my children being as sick as they were over the last couple of weeks and the Thanksgiving holiday last week, I have completely dropped the ball with my class work.  My kids are feeling better and the holiday is over, so I'm ready to get going but this class seems to be mostly over.  I'm very disappointed in myself.  I think that possibly I made my bed and I now have to lie in it!! :- (