Friday, October 31, 2014

Post 8 - Halloween

I just got home from taking my kids trick or treating and I started thinking about the difference between the experiences of children and adults during holidays. My kids had so much fun tonight and I really enjoyed seeing their joy, but it's also so much work!! It's the same for the winter holidays....the thought of Christmas is stressful, yet as a child the same thought fills you with wonder and excitement. The contrast is amazing and makes me wish I could feel the same things my children do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Post 7 - Academic Olympics

My 4th grader was just invited to be on his school's Academic Olympics team and I could not be more proud!  An activity like this was the type of thing that I enjoyed through school so when my children participate in the same type of group it gives us conversation topics that we can bond over.  I generally have a difficult time finding something to converse about with him and this will now provide me with another way to build on our relationship.  I'm also super proud that he is doing so well in school that his teacher chose him to represent the school in their Academic Olympics competition.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Post 6 - Animals Taking American Jobs

I was sitting here observing my children watching a movie that has dogs, cats and various farm animals acting out a movie called Air Buddies.  These are jobs that could be performed by perfectly good out-of-work actors.  Why would we hire animals to do a job that an actor needs?  And how do we know that they are even legal to be here in this country?  The type of papers that an animal has for identification can easily be forged.  I don't think this practice should be legal.  Why doesn't anyone ever complain about the work that is being taken from actors?

This point that I'm making is completely ridiculous, but it reminds me of the argument made by some regarding illegal immigrants.  Like there are so many Americans that are willing to work the jobs that immigrants work.  The jobs are available to American citizens, yet they won't take them which makes this argument invalid.  Their argument is just as crazy as my argument against animals taking the jobs of out-of-work actors.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Post 5 - The Great Scare--Ebola!

While speaking to my fiancĂ©e the other night, he asked me if I had heard about the new findings that said the Ebola virus is airborne.  Hearing him say this really upset me because I pride myself on being well-informed and I know that putting out misinformation like that is a tactic used by some public figures to create a fearful society.  Those on the ground in Africa fighting the virus and one doctor after another have stated that Ebola can only be caught through contact with the body fluids of infected individuals that are showing symptoms.  I get frustrated with the continued encouragement by some to have rumors circulating that create chaos and panic among the general population.  The misinformation being given about the Ebola virus reminds me a little bit of those who still won't admit that global warming/climate change has still not been proven.  With the studies that have been done and a consensus among scientists that global warming is real, how can the fact of it be denied?  It's really unbelievable.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Post 4 - Doc 1 Topic--Registration Issues

I decided to make my argument on my Doc 1 topic, registration issues, by first brainstorming reasons for South University to handle the registration process in the current way.  I think that the best way to make an argument is to consider the opposing side's views first, and then to articulate why I believe that point-of-view is invalid.  I think that having paperless, online course registration is beneficial to everybody involved, so my goal for Doc 1 was to refute the reasons for the registration process to still be handled in person.  The problem that I had with this method was that it was extremely difficult to think of valid reasons for our school to not already have online registration!!  It seems entirely nonsensical for the school to have this process set-up the way it is now, and it is a total waste of time for every single person involved in the current procedures.  When students should be focusing on studying for end of class finals, we are forced to stand in a long line to register for the following semester's classes.  There are a few easy fixes that could streamline the process and give student's access to information that would be valuable throughout our school careers.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Post 3 - Mother of a 16 year old!!

My oldest son is turning 16 today and I can't believe that I have a child that can legally drive!!  The time goes so fast.  I had him when I was 18, so we've grown together.  Being a parent at such a young age was tough, but has been a wonderful learning experience overall.  He's been my buddy since I had him!  I'm now looking forward and thinking about the upcoming experience of sending him off to college.  With four other children I won't yet have an empty nest, but I will be really sad to say goodbye.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Post 2 - A Recent Argument

I recently had an argument, or rather a "discussion," with my teenager about his career goals.  We were talking about what he would like to have as his major in college and he informed me that he would like to be an actor.  Oh boy!!  This is not exactly what I had dreamed of for his future.  I don't think that any parent would like to hear that their child's ambitions were headed in that direction.  I immediately had an angry reaction that stemmed from my doubts and worries for him.  That was definitely a poor choice on my part.  He dug his heels in and became even more rooted in his belief that acting would be the career for him.  I then came to my senses and thought of something my mother always told me, "As soon as you begin to argue with a child, you've already lost."

I let both of us simmer down for several weeks before I addressed the topic again.  I spoke to him about my worries regarding his ability to support himself while waiting to get a "break."  I also offered him some alternatives to this problem, like choosing drama as a major and something else as a minor.  He would have a way to support himself and still be able to seek an acting career in his off time.  We have a great relationship, so having a discussion rather than an angry reaction by me worked out well for us.  After considering all of this, he decided a couple of weeks later that maybe he didn't want to be an actor (thank God!!).  I learned that I shouldn't overreact and thought back to how many times I changed my mind as a teen about what I wanted to be when I grew up.  This was a consideration that I should have made when he initially announced his chosen career!  Parental lesson learned.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Post 1- No Access to Course Registration Online

So far I have really enjoyed being a student here at South University in West Palm Beach, FL, but when it comes time to register for a new semester of courses it turns into a chore that is very bothersome when the end of the semester is looming.  We really should be studying and prepping for final exams, but instead the school has us waiting in line to register for new classes.  If they allowed online registration like EVERY OTHER COLLEGE IN EXISTENCE it would make life easier.