Friday, December 5, 2014

Post 21 - Is American Justice Really Blind?

I can't believe the news recently.  Why are cops allowed to kill people unnecessarily without them suffering any consequences?  It's unfathomable.  I believe that Michael Brown and Eric Garner's families at least deserve for the police officer's to stand trial.  It should be up to a regular jury to decide the guilt or lack of guilt of an accused.  This process of a local prosecutor who doesn't seem to seek an indictment giving all of the evidence to a grand jury doesn't seem to be offering even the semblance of justice to the families of these victims.  The Eric Garner case seems to be especially hard to comprehend.  There is a video that shows the entire incident from beginning to end.  The police officers on the scene showed so much indifference to Eric Garner and that is not the role that the police are supposed to play.  Their job description is "to protect and serve".  That is not what they did for Eric Garner and there should be consequences for that.  I think Lady Justice was peeking out of her blindfold in this case for sure.


  1. I know it's crazy nowadays the court seem to be not fair at all. Who should we trust in times like this?

  2. I agree. Police seem to be very quick to pull a gun or be on the defense as opposed to protecting!

  3. It seems like Justice is blind but in some cases where this has happened there was a reason why they did what they did.... It wasn't always a he said/she said argument like the recent incidents.. just my thought not trying to stir up a hornets nest

  4. this is beyond crazy we can see clearly how the cops choke Eric to death, and the system is totally on their side. I guess now the police have all the right to kill anytime they want, because they can easily get away with it. Well, God has the final decision.

  5. This is a very tough and controversial issue. I think that Michael Brown did get shot for a reason, he should not have charged the officer and tried to take his gun, and he was completely justified in shooting him. It was not a racial issue and it was not unfair, if someone reaches for somebody else gun, they should expect to get shot. The jury found Wilson innocent and that jury had African Americans and therefore was not biased as many people try to claim. Eric Garner on the other hand is a different issue. Perhaps the cop should not have used a choke-hold but yet again, he could have been armed and they did what they had to do. Mistakes are made and that was one, it was sad but the police can't take chances. A lot of people don't seem to appreciate the police today, the put their life on the line to make communities safe and people still dislike them.
