Saturday, September 6, 2014

Using Google+ in the Class

I have an Android cell phone, so I already had a Gmail account which automatically transfers to a Google+ account.  Having Google on my cell phones has been really awesome and something I appreciated before taking this English Composition course.  I love the ability to have all of my contacts transferred whenever I upgrade my cell phone.  Also, the auto-backup of the rest of my information has been a lifesaver, especially when it has come to my photos.  I don't know how many times I've lost a cell phone memory card, computer, or CD with photos of my family on them since the digital age made cameras with film that was developed a thing of the past.  I began to use Google+ like I use Facebook at the start of this class and it's growing on me.  It doesn't seem to be catching on as quickly with the population at large, though, so I'm not sure if it will be as useful in the long run as some of the other features Google provides.

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