Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Post 5 - The Great Scare--Ebola!

While speaking to my fiancée the other night, he asked me if I had heard about the new findings that said the Ebola virus is airborne.  Hearing him say this really upset me because I pride myself on being well-informed and I know that putting out misinformation like that is a tactic used by some public figures to create a fearful society.  Those on the ground in Africa fighting the virus and one doctor after another have stated that Ebola can only be caught through contact with the body fluids of infected individuals that are showing symptoms.  I get frustrated with the continued encouragement by some to have rumors circulating that create chaos and panic among the general population.  The misinformation being given about the Ebola virus reminds me a little bit of those who still won't admit that global warming/climate change has still not been proven.  With the studies that have been done and a consensus among scientists that global warming is real, how can the fact of it be denied?  It's really unbelievable.


  1. This drives me nuts as well. But, honestly it is inevitable not only because of the publicity tactics but also, the people who continue to spread the illegitimate information. I pride myself on having knowledge but also on knowing when I am not current on a topic and being able to admit I am not educated enough to validate information or not and therefore do not repeat it. Having a conversation with your significant other or whomever is one thing but the crazy people who run around scaring everyone are another story! Ah, makes me crazy!

  2. I understand your concerns that the fact that ebola might be airborne could be just a government ploy. But i do not think that it is impossible for ebola to be spread through the air. Even if it is not airborne now it will be soon enough... God help us when that day does come....

  3. Ebola has been around for decades.....the chances of it evolving to the point that it becomes airborne is ridiculous. A virus is either airborne or it isn't.
