Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Post 11 - Women Writers

I've really enjoyed the women writers that we've read in our literature books so far. I especially liked "Revelation" by Flannery O'Connor. The way that she was able to show across the full spectrum of the social classes and, at the same time, portray characters with attitudes that many of us have encountered in life decades later. Having an idea about the history of the time period gives depth to the story, but the characters themselves are timeless. Even though the facts and very racist attitudes may not be completely current, the personalities of her characters can still be seen in society today.

I also liked "The Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman because it used an excellent and interesting metaphor for the way that women were treated at that time. It also showed how desperate women were to be more free than the time period allowed. I would go crazy being treated like "the little woman" and I could sympathize with how the narrator was feeling. Great literature evokes thought and feelings in the reader and both of these writers did that for me.


  1. Great blo . I have also enjoyed learning more about Flannery O'Connor and reading her works. She is a fantastic writer.

  2. Great blo . I have also enjoyed learning more about Flannery O'Connor and reading her works. She is a fantastic writer.

  3. Yah I never knew how funny Flannery O' Connor ever was I'm excited to read more short stories and/or poems from female writers.

  4. I also liked these short stories. Do you think the fact that the writers were women had a major impact on how the story read? Do you think it would have been difficult for a man to write similar stories?
