Friday, May 15, 2015

Post 15 - Psychological Criticism

Psychological criticism is defined in our literature book as:
"The practice of analyzing a literary work through investigating three major areas: the nature of literary genius, the psychological study of a particular artist, and the analysis of fictional characters. This methodology uses the analytical tools of psychology and psychoanalysis to understand the underlying motivations and meanings of a literary work."*
I would imagine that when an author is contemplating a literary work that she/he would consider a psychological analysis of the characters in the story or poem. This can be seen by the author writing the different character's speech and thoughts within a work. Each character would have a different psychological (and personal) perspective and that would be shown by the author writing what the characters are saying and thinking. Once a work is completed, a psychological criticism by the reader would be an attempt to analyze the psychological perspective that the author gave her/his characters.

Another method of doing a psychological criticism is to look at the life, quotes, and history of the author of a literary work. This would give insight into the story and characters of the writing. Either method of psychological criticism would give insight into the literary work being analyzed.

* Kennedy, X.J., & Gioia, D. (2013). Literature: An introduction to fiction, poetry, drama, and writing (12th ed., p. 2073). Boston: Pearson.


  1. OMG! That picture is so funny. I look forward to the antics of our class on Monday. I wonder if the class will be performing peer review on each others papers. I look forward to reading yours if the chance arises. I really feel that your going to make a great Nurse haha I like your posts!

  2. I think psychological criticism and analysis is very important. To fully understand what the author is meaning to say and what he wants to say in his work we have to look at the author. I think Edgar Alan Poe is a great example because he had a very tough life so his work is very influenced by that.

  3. reading this article has helped me in writing my Doc 2, thanks =D
